

Jesus Came to Rid us of the Famine of our Souls
Text: Genesis 41:15 (KJV)

“And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, `I have dreamed a dream, and there is none that can interpret it: and I have heard say of thee, that thou canst understand a dream to interpret it.’ ”

In today’s text, we see Pharaoh had a disturbing dream and brought Joseph to him to interpret it.  The interpretation showed that he dreamed of seven years of famine.  God is here to tell us that, yes, there will be poverty and famine in the world. We need to help in any way we can in those areas, but even more importantly people are dying of hunger/famine in their souls.  All humans need the strength and eternal life that only comes from Jesus, the Bread of heaven. If you have never asked Him into your heart and life, go to Him now and He will satisfy your soul.

Hymn (“My Soul once had its Plenteous Years”): “My soul once had its plenteous years, And throve, with peace and comfort filled, Like the fat cows and ripened ears, Which Pharaoh in his dream beheld. To Joseph the Egyptians went, To Jesus I made known my case; He, when my little stock was spent, Opened His magazine of grace. O sinners, hear His gracious call! His mercy’s door stands open wide, He has enough to feed you all, And none who come shall be denied.”


I Have a Dream Today
Text: Genesis 37:6 (KJV)

“And he said unto them, Hear, I pray you, this dream which I have dreamed:”

In today’s text, we see where Joseph (nice name!), told his family that he dreamed a dream.  I want to say three things about dreams today:
1. Let us keep the dreams of godly men and woman alive, like Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. I also am tired of all the prejudice in this world. No one race is better than another.
2. Let us keep our dreams alive.  If we delight ourselves in the Lord, He will give us the desires of our heart (not a new Lexus, or millions of dollars). He will grant us godly desires which bring us closer to Him and allow our lives to glorify Him.
3. Finally, and most importantly, let us keep Jesus’ dream alive as it is stated so lovingly in 2 Peter 3:9, “The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to usward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.”

Today’s Quote (“I have a dream today,” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.): “I have a dream that one day the state of [people’s hearts] …will be transformed [so that] little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls and walk together as sisters and brothers.”


Godly Mothers: A Tribute to Three Godly Women
Text: Proverbs 6:20b (KJV)

“And forsake not the law of thy mother:”

The writer of today’s Proverb tells how his godly mother told him about the Lord.  I ‘m not blessed to have been born to a Christian woman.  I do however want you all today, if you have had a Christian mother and if she is still alive, to call her and thank her for raising you in the law of God.  If she has passed on to heaven, then offer a prayer to God and thank Him for her.  I, myself, want to say thank you to three godly women who “mothered me in the law of God and showed me God’s love.”
1. Anne, who I affectionately call “Mum.”  She is a strong Christian woman and nurse and teacher in the true compassion of Florence Nightengale.  She always took me to church with her, engaged me in intelligent and spiritual conversation, and is a Proverbs 31 woman.  Though I do not get to see her anymore, she is thought of, loved, and prayed for daily.

  1. Betty, who I affectionately call “Momma.” She is also a strong Christian woman who, with her husband, who I affectionately call “Pop,” adopted me into their family way back in my military time in the United Kingdom.  She loves people, teaches me in spiritual matters, and is an excellent world-class baker.  If you ever eat her coconut cake, you are in for a real blessing. Though I also do not get to see her anymore, she is thought of, loved, and prayed for daily.
    3. Delores (a.k.a. Kitty)-She was my wife Serene’s mum. She was a classy and elegant lady who many times prayed with and for me.  She always helped those in need and is sorely missed.  She and her husband, who are both with the Lord, did an excellent job raising Sabrina (Serene’s sister) and Serene in a Christian home.Hymn (“Memories of Mother”): “My mother’s hand is on my brow, Her gentle voice is pleading now; Across the years so marred by sin What memories of love steal in!” Refrain: “O mother, when I think of thee, ‘Tis but a step to Calvary; Thy gentle hand upon my brow Is leading me to Jesus now. While others scorned me in their pride She gently drew me to her side; When all the world has turned away, My mother stood by me that day. The memories of bygone years, My mother’s love, my mother’s tears, The tho’t of all her constant care Doth bring the answer to her prayer.”


Persistence in Prayer
Text: Genesis 32:26 (KJV)

“And he said, `Let me go, for the day breaketh.’ And he said, `I will not let thee go, except thou bless me.’ ”

Jacob wrestled with God and said he would not let go till God blessed him.  It is sad that so many preachers today use the false doctrine of simply “naming it and claiming it” when we as Christians should be praying according to God’s will for our lives. We are instructed also to be persistent in our prayers.  Do not just pray one time, saying, “O Lord, heal such and such,” or, “O Lord, help me pay this bill,” etc. and then stop and do things your own way (“claiming it”). You will most likely give up or be discouraged. Prayer sometimes is hard, but God always answers, and in three ways, “Yes,” “No,” or “Not at this time.” He will bless those who do not faint and do not give up, but listen for his voice and follow his will. Be persistent in your prayers.

Hymn (“Lord, I Cannot Let Thee Go”): “Lord, I cannot let Thee go,” [originally, “Nay, I cannot let Thee go”] “Till a blessing Thou bestow: Do not turn away Thy face, Mine’s an urgent, pressing case. Once a sinner, near despair, Sought Thy mercy seat by prayer; Mercy heard, and set him free: Lord, that mercy came to me. Thou hast helped in every need; This emboldens me to plead: After so much mercy past, Canst Thou let me sink at last?


A Wife is a Good Thing and a Blessing from the LORD
Text: Proverbs 18:22 (KJV)

“Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing,and obtaineth favour of the LORD.”

In today’s text, we see that the writer of the Proverb said if a man finds a wife, he finds a good thing and gets favour (delight, acceptance, pleasure, blessing) from the LORD. God created Eve to be a help meet (helper) and blessing to Adam.  I want to acknowledge before God and before all my readers that I am truly blessed by God to have Serene Simplicity as my wife and best friend. I praise God for her! To me, she is an example of how a Christian woman should be: S-Sincere; E-Excels in all that she does; R-Ready to serve those in need; E-Energized by the joy of the Lord (always smiling inside and out); N-Near to the heart of God (always praying for others); E-Everything that I could ask in a spouse and more. Serene, how you bless me and are like a calm, fresh breeze and filling of God’s Holy Spirit to the Body of Christ, the lost, and to myself as your spouse.  This hymn summarizes your attributes.

Hymn (“The Woman’s Hymn,” http://www.cyberhymnal.org/htm/c/w/cwomenwp.htm): “Come, women, wide proclaim Life through your Savior slain; Sing evermore. Christ, God’s effulgence bright, Christ, who arose in might, Christ, who crowns you with light, Praise and adore. Work with your courage high, Sing of the daybreak nigh, Your love outpour. Stars shall your brow adorn, Your heart leap with the morn, And, by His Love upborne, Hope and adore. Then when the garnered field Shall to our Master yield A bounteous store, Christ, hope of all the meek, Christ, whom all the earth shall seek, Christ your reward shall speak, Joy evermore.”


A Good Night’s Rest
Text: Psalms 4:8 (KJV)

“I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for thou, LORD, only makest me dwell in safety.”

In today’s text, as we continue in the book of Psalms, we come to the place where King David ended his Psalm (song) to God and praised God that he could have a good night’s sleep.  Why could King David have a good night’s sleep?  He could do so because he knew that God alone allowed him to dwell in safety.  Some of my readers (myself included) suffer from sleep apnea, restless sleep, etc.  God wants to tell all of us to do the following before we go to sleep each night:
1. Confess and ask God for forgiveness for any sins against Him, your spouse, and your fellow man.
2. Thank God for his forgiveness, salvation, safety, and protection this day.

  1. Ask Him to keep his thoughts in your mind as you sleep.
    As they say in Italy, “Sono doro” (sweet dreams) tonight my friends.

Hymn (“While Sinks our Land to Realms of Night”): “While sinks our land to realms of night, And twilight skies grow dim, We raise again our joyful hearts Our parting evening hymn. We bless Thee for the warm, rich glow Of this our hallowed day, And for the love that year by year Shines o’er our onward way. And now, O Father, from on high List to our evening prayer, Shed o’er our hearts a blissful calm, And keep us in Thy care.”


Build Your Life on Jesus, the Solid Rock
Text: Matthew 7:24-27 (KJV)

“Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of Mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his
house upon a rock: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock. And every one that heareth these sayings of Mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it.”

In today’s text, we come to where Jesus finished his world-changing Sermon on the Mount and told his disciples, and us today, to not build our house on sand (the things of this world, i.e. religion, pleasure, hobbies, self-help books, the stock market, our bank accounts, even placing our faith in others–namely spouses, friends, family, etc.). Rather, we are to put our faith and trust in Jesus alone as He is the Solid Rock.  When trials, tribulations, and temptations come into our lives, and they will, if we have put our faith and trust in Jesus and believe His promises in the Bible, we will stand and not give in to despair, sadness, misery, and woe.

Hymn (“The Solid Rock”) “My hope is built on nothing less Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness. I dare not trust the sweetest frame, But wholly trust in Jesus’ Name.” Refrain: “On Christ the solid Rock I stand, All other ground is sinking sand; All other ground is sinking sand. When darkness seems to hide His face, I rest on His unchanging grace. In every high and stormy gale, My anchor holds within the veil. His oath, His covenant, His blood, Support me in the whelming flood. When all around my soul gives way, He then is all my Hope and Stay.”


Guard Your Heart
Text: Proverbs 4:23-27 (KJV)

“Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life. Put away from thee a forward mouth, and perverse lips put far from thee. Let thine eyes look right on, and let thine eyelids look straight before thee. Ponder the path of thy feet, and let all thy ways be established. Turn not to the right hand nor to the left: remove thy foot from evil. ”

In today’s text, Solomon wrote that we must keep or guard our heart.  He then tells how we do this in some very bold but truthful ways:
1. We must put away a forward (deceitful) mouth from us.  It is so easy today to fall for the trap of the world and tell lies.  Unbelievably, God even hates so-called “white lies.”  Lying is lying and we ought not to do it.
2. We must not have “perverse lips.”  God hates cursing, angry outbursts, and filthy or dirty jokes. And, this one is blunt, but for all of us gents in particular: God does not want us to “talk sexually” like the world does to our wives, or if we are single, to another woman.
3. We must be wary of what we watch on the internet, telly (television), read, and places we go to be so-called “entertained.”  Why do even Christians complain about, “I have nothing good to watch on telly,” etc. I recently had a great time watching two chapters of an old movie serial with a new friend, and just “fellowshipping” like in the “olden days.”
Friends, let us guard our hearts before we need to have spiritual heart surgery from God and maybe even be removed from this world.  I repent, do you?

Hymn (“No Compromise”): “No compromise with evil shall be our battle cry, For God and right must conquer, and sin and wrong must die; Unflinching we are standing, uncompromisingly, Beneath the flag of holiness forever we will be.”
Refrain: “No compromise, no compromise, This shall be our battle cry, For God and right we will boldly fight, We will keep the standard high. No compromise with worldliness, no yielding to the wrong, No lowering the standard that’s stood thro’ ages long; With Jesus as our Leader, His Spirit as our Guide, We will firmly stand for righteousness whatever may betide.”


God Will Provide
Text: Genesis 22:8 (KJV)

“And Abraham said, My son, God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering: so they went both of them together.”

In today’s text, we see that, when Abraham was told to sacrifice his only son Isaac (this was a type of what Jesus did for us) as a test of his faith in God, Abraham told Isaac that God would provide a sacrifice.  Though troubles assail us, do not be dismayed, God will provide (Jehovah Jireh). God has provided us salvation, daily bread, clothing, shelter, peace, and answers to our prayers.  Go to Him alone today.

Hymn (“Though Troubles Assail Us”): “Though troubles assail us and dangers affright, Though friends should all fail us and foes all unite, Yet one thing secures us, whatever betide, The promise assures us, `The Lord will provide.’ The birds, without garner or storehouse, are fed; From them let us learn to trust God for our bread. His saints what is fitting shall ne’er be denied So long as ’tis written, `The Lord will provide.’ When life sinks apace, and death is in view, The word of His grace shall comfort us through, Not fearing or doubting, with Christ on our side, We hope to die shouting, `The Lord will provide.’


We Need to Haste out of This World
Text: Genesis 19:17 (KJV)

“And it came to pass, when they had brought them forth abroad, that he said, Escape for thy life; look not behind thee, neither stay thou in all the plain; escape to the mountain, lest thou be consumed.”

Lot was told by the Lord, when he and his family had fled from the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, (which is a spiritual type for all the wickedness in this world, not just homosexuality, though that is a big part of it), to not look behind him.  Alas, Lot’s wife looked behind her and was turned to a pillar of salt.  She died a decaying death.  What is the application you ask?  Well, today God wants us to be in the world but not of it.  God wants us to have compassion on the lost and share the good news of the Gospel with others.  God does not want us though to partake in the sins of the world, homosexuality, greed, lust, hatred, anger, and atheism, to name a few.  We need to haste out of this world’s desires lest we spiritually decay and die.

Hymn (“Haste Traveler Haste”): “Haste, traveler, haste! The night comes on, And many a shining hour is gone; The storm is gathering in the west, And thou art far from home and rest. O far from home thy footsteps stray; Christ is the life, and Christ the way, And Christ the light; thy setting sun Sinks ere thy morning is begun. Poor, lost, benighted soul! art thou Wiling to find salvation now? There yet is hope; hear mercy’s call: Truth! Life! Light! Way! In Christ is all!


Pass Me Not, O Gentle Savior
Text: Genesis 18:3 (KJV)

“And said, `My Lord, if now I have found favour in thy sight, pass not away, I pray thee, from thy servant.’ “
Abraham invited three angels (one of which could have been the preincarnate Christ) to rest with him and refresh themselves.  Today, Jesus wants us to stop worrying every day about our health, our finances, the stock market, the economy, our job stress, etc., and come to Him each morning in a quiet time of daily Bible study, prayer, and listening to Him.  He wants us to rest in Him and give our burdens away.  Won’t you join me now and say, “Pass Me Not, O Gentle Savior”?

Hymn (“Pass Me Not, O Gentle Savior”): “Pass me not, O gentle Savior, Hear my humble cry; While on others Thou art calling, Do not pass me by.” Refrain: “Savior, Savior, Hear my humble cry; While on others Thou art calling, Do not pass me by. Trusting only in Thy merit, Would I seek Thy face; Heal my wounded, broken spirit, Save me by Thy grace.”


Please Count Me Lord
Text: Genesis 15:6 (KJV)

“And he believed in the LORD; and He counted it to him for righteousness.”

In today’s text, we see where Abram believed in the Lord and the Lord counted (esteemed, credited, gave) to Abram God’s righteousness. God also gave Abram salvation and a new name, Abraham, and promised he would be the father of many nations, especially Israel. Nothing matters what happens to us if we do not have Jesus. I encourage both you and me to stop and spend time daily and thank God for counting us as children into his family because we have put our faith and trust in Jesus, his Son.

Hymn (“Count Me”): “When you count the ones who love the Lord, Count me, count me; When you count up those who trust His Word, Count me, count me.” Refrain: “Count me with the children of the heav’nly King; Count me with the servants who would service bring; Count me with the ransomed who His praises sing; Count me, count me. When you count up those who’re saved by grace, Count me, count me; Who have found in Christ a hiding place, Count me, count me.”


The Birthday Present I Want: To be Blessed by God
Text: Psalm 1:1-3 (KJV)

“Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night. And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.”

In today’s text, as I celebrate my birthday, I want to be blessed by God.  “Blessed” here in our text means “to be happy.”  Our text shows us some ways to be happy:
1. Steer clear from fellowshipping or having close relationships with “ungodly people.”  We should do all we can as Christians to witness to others and even “break bread” with the lost, but when others want us to “modify our faith,” or “accept an alternative lifestyle” (what is that anyway??), we need to boldly, but lovingly, say, “No way.”
2. Have an insatiable appetite for the Word of God, the Bible.  Meditate on it day and night.  I just ate a cupcake for my birthday, but it cannot satisfy my soul; only God’s Word can.
When we follow these two things we are like a tree that is bringing forth “good fruit” and whatever we do shall prosper because we are in the business of being God-pleasers and not men-pleasers.  I want God’s blessing
on my life forever and I pray the same for you all.

Worship Song (“Psalm 1,” Lyrics and Music by Kim Hill): Chorus: “Blessed is he who will follow the Lord, He will not stand in the path of the sinner, He will not sit in the seat of the scoffer, For the law of the Lord is his delight. In His law he meditates day and night, He will be like a tree planted by water, He will yield his fruit in its season, His leaves won’t die, In whatever he does, he will prosper. For the lost, they are like chaff that the wind drives away, They are not safe; at any time their life could perish. The Lord holds the plans, and the paths of all who follow Him, The righteous will stand secure and last forever.”


Be Merciful
Text: Matthew 5:7 (KJV)

“Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.”

In today’s text, from the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus gives you and me a challenge.  God wants us to be merciful to others.  The Greek word for merciful is the word, eleemon, which can be translated, “to be actively compassionate.” Today, and the rest of our lives, let us remember that God showed mercy in sparing us from the judgment that our sins deserved, and gave us salvation when we put our faith and trust in Jesus.  Let us show mercy and compassion on those who slander, gossip, back-bite, or incite us to anger, and remember that God grants us daily mercy to live lives that please him. A wise man named “anonymous” once said, “There go I but by the grace of God.”

Hymn (“The Mercy of God is an Ocean Divine”): “The mercy of God is an ocean divine, A boundless and fathomless flood. Launch out in the deep, cut away the shore line, And be lost in the fullness of God.” Refrain: “Launch out, into the deep. Oh, let the shore line go. Launch out, launch out in the ocean divine, Out where the full tides flow. Oh, let us launch out on this ocean so broad, Where floods of salvation o’erflow. Oh, let us be lost in the mercy of God, Till the depths of His fullness we know.”


Don’t be A Nimrod
Text: Genesis 10:8-10 (KJV)

“And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth. He was a mighty hunter before the LORD: wherefore it is said, Even as Nimrod the mighty hunter before the LORD. And the beginning of his kingdom was Babel, and Erech, and Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar.”

Today, we come to the story of Nimrod whose name mean’s “rebel.” Growing up, I always heard my gran say if someone said something proud or arrogant, “Don’t be a silly old Nimrod.”  Nimrod is said to have been the founder of the great, yet godless, nation of Babylon.  Babylon is a “type” of sin, pride, and rebellion against God in the Bible.  God wants us to have clean hearts and not be prideful before Him.  We can only do this when we stay close to Him.
We also need, whenever someone gives us a compliment or thanks for doing something well, to be humble and reply, “All Glory To God, who helps me in all things.”

Hymn (“Purer in Heart, O God”): “Purer in heart, O God, help me to be; May I devote my life wholly to Thee: Watch Thou my wayward feet, Guide me with counsel sweet; Purer in heart, help me to be. Purer in heart, O God, help me to be; Teach me to do Thy will most lovingly; Be Thou my Friend and Guide, Let me with Thee abide; Purer in heart, help me to be. Purer in heart, O God, help me to be; Until Thy holy face one day I see: Keep me from secret sin, Reign Thou my soul within; Purer in heart, help me to be.”


There’s Refuge Alone in The Ark (Jesus)
Text: Genesis 7:1(KJV)

“And the LORD said unto Noah, Come thou and all thy house into the ark; for thee have I seen righteous before Me in this generation.”

Today, we come to the story of Noah.  Noah was a righteous man because he placed his faith and trust in God.  God destroyed the world with a flood because it was so wicked, but Noah “found grace in the eyes of the Lord.”  Noah
and his family were shut into the Ark and kept safe by God.  The Ark is a “type” of Christ.  Jesus came to this world to live a sinless life and then He died for all our sins, was buried, and rose again on the third day.  When we put our faith and trust in Him, and not Mohammed, not Confucius, not Wicca, not Satan, not the New Age, not even a religion, but in Jesus alone, we are kept safe from eternal damnation and spiritual death and given eternal life with Him in heaven for all eternity.  Come to Jesus today, there’s refuge alone in Him!

Hymn (“Out of the Ark”): “They dreamed not of danger, those sinners of old, Whom Noah was chosen to warn; By frequent transgressions their hearts had grown cold, They laughed his entreaties to scorn; Yet daily he called them, `Oh come, sinners, come, Believe and prepare to embark! Receive ye the message, and know there is room For all who will come to the Ark.’ ” Refrain: “Then come, come, oh, come; There’s refuge alone in the Ark; Receive ye the message, and know there is room For all who will come to the Ark. He could not arouse them, unheeding they stood, Unmoved by his warning and prayer; The prophet passed in from the oncoming flood, And left them to hopeless despair; The heavens as midnight grew dark; Too late, then they turned, every foothold was gone, They perished in sight of the Ark. O sinners, the heralds of mercy implore, They cry like the patriarch, `Come’; The Ark of salvation is moored to your shore, Oh, enter while yet there is room! The storm cloud of justice rolls dark overhead, And when by its fury you’re tossed, Alas, of your perishing souls ’twill be said, `They heard—they refused—and were lost!’ ”


O Let Me Walk with Thee
Text: Genesis 5:22-24 (KJV)

“And Enoch walked with God after he begat Methuselah three hundred years, and begat sons and daughters: And all the days of Enoch were three hundred sixty and five years: And Enoch walked with God: and he [was] not; for God took him.”

Today, God wants to remind us about the story of Enoch whose name may mean “gracious.”  Enoch walked (which is interpreted “behaved himself with,” “traveled,” or “walked” with God).  We are challenged to spend the rest of our lives “walking with God.”  “How do we do this?” you ask.  We do this by living holy and righteous (not self-righteous, but his righteousness) lives, and we can only do this by spending time in prayer and also in reading, studying, and applying the Bible on a daily basis!

Hymn (“O Let Me Walk with Thee”): “O let me walk with Thee, my God, As Enoch walked in days of old; Place Thou my trembling hand in Thine, And sweet communion with me hold; E’en though the path I may not see, Yet, Jesus, let me walk with Thee. I cannot, dare not, walk alone; The tempest rages in the sky, A thousand snares beset my feet, A thousand foes are lurking nigh. Still Thou the raging of the sea, O Master! let me walk with Thee. If I may rest my hand in Thine, I’ll count the joys of earth but loss, And firmly, bravely journey on; I’ll bear the banner of the cross, Till Zion’s glorious gates I see; Yet, Savior, let me walk with Thee.”


Reaching Forth and Finishing Well

Text: Philippians 3:13-14 (The 1599 Geneva Bible)

“Brethren, I count not myself that I have attained to it, but one thing I do: I forget that which is behind, and endeavor myself unto that which is before, and follow hard toward the mark, for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.”

Dear Friends, Today, let us spend time before God and ask Him eight things and then listen for his answers.

  1. How can I love You more?
  2. How can I love my neighbors, bosses, co-workers, relatives, spouse, children, pets, and friends more?
  3. What type of Bible plan and Bible reading can I start?
  4. Who and what do You want me to pray for?
  5. Who can I serve and minister to?
  6. How can I get out of debt (if applicable), spend less, and give more to Your purposes?
  7. Who can I share the Gospel with? If you do not know Jesus yet, why not start by asking Him into your heart and life right now?
  8. What bad habit(s) can I ask You, God, and others for help with? Lose weight, spend less, get less angry, procrastinate less, gossip less, etc.

Today is a new day with a fresh start. Start small, even with baby steps, but finish well. The best words you can ever hear will be spoken to you by Jesus Himself if you are faithful: “Well done thou good and faithful servant, enter now into the joy of the Lord.”

Hymn (“With Gladsome Feet We Press”): “With gladsome feet we press to Zion’s holy mount, Where gushes from its deep recess the cooling fount; Oh, happy, happy hill, the joy of every saint! With sweet Siloam’s crystal rill, that cheers the faint. Great city, blest of God! Jerusalem the free! With ceaseless step the path be trod that leads to thee! The martyrs’ bleeding feet, the saints with woundless breast, Alike have sought thy golden seat to win their rest. There, calming all alarms, thy cross of love is traced, Outstretching salutary arms, to bless the waste; The sinner there can plead in ever listening ears; On hope and Thee, can sweetly feed, and dry his tears. So this our festal day celestial joy shall raise, While lips and hearts, conjoined, essay to hymn thy praise! The very stones shall ring, resound each holy wall, With Thee, Thyself the Rock, our Heaven, our All!”


I Don’t Belong to just Anybody, I Belong to God
Text: I Corinthians 6:20 (The 1599 Geneva Bible)

“For ye are bought with a price; Therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, for they are God’s.”

In today’s text, the Apostle Paul tells us that since we are Christians we need to live lives pleasing to Jesus because we were bought with a price. Jesus shed His blood for all our sins. Let us really glorify God in our body and spirit by doing three things:
1. Pray for and help those in need in any way that we can.
2. Pray for the salvation of those who do not know that Jesus is the true Savior and Lord.

  1. Spend as much time as we can focusing on the Lord.
    We belong to God; that’s a wonderful thing to be thankful and joyful for.Hymn (“Now I Belong to Jesus”): “Jesus, my Lord will love me forever, From Him no pow’r of evil can sever, He gave His life to ransom my soul; Now I belong to Him.” Chorus: “Now I belong to Jesus, Jesus belongs to me, Not for the years of time alone, But for eternity. Once I was lost in sin’s degradation, Jesus came down to bring me salvation, Lifted me up from sorrow and shame, Now I belong to Him. Joy floods my soul for Jesus has saved me, Freed me from sin that long had enslaved me; His precious blood, He came to redeem, Now I belong to Him.”


Don’t just “Pity the Fool,” Share with Him or Her the Good News
Text: I Corinthians 1:18 (The 1599 Geneva Bible)

“For that preaching of the cross is to them that perish, foolishness; but unto us, which are saved, it is the power of God.”

The Apostle Paul said that to those that are without Christ and refuse Him, the preaching of the Gospel is foolishness,
but to the believer in Christ it is the power of God.  Here in America, during the 1980’s, many people would mimic the words of the celebrity, Mr. T. (who praise the Lord is a believer in Christ now), who would say, “I pity the fool.” I am here to tell us all to not just “pity the fool,” but lovingly share the gospel by our words and deeds, and hope that we can help “rescue the perishing,” and save the dying on their way to hell without Christ. “Jesus is merciful, Jesus will save,” but He uses us to share!

Hymn (“Rescue The Perishing”): “Rescue the perishing, care for the dying, Snatch them in pity from sin and the grave; Weep o’er the erring one, lift up the fallen, Tell them of Jesus, the mighty to save.” Refrain: “Rescue the perishing, care for the dying, Jesus is merciful, Jesus will save. Though they are slighting Him, still He is waiting, Waiting the penitent child to receive; Plead with them earnestly, plead with them gently; He will forgive if they only believe.”


Get Rid of the Past because Satan Doesn’t Live Here Anymore
Text: Acts 19:18-19 (The 1599 Geneva Bible)

“And many that believed came and confessed, and shewed their works. Many also of them which used curious arts brought their books and burned them before all men; and they counted the price of them, and found it fifty thousand pieces of silver.”

In today’s text, we see that when the people in Corinth came to faith in Christ they totally got rid of all their magic books and burned them.  They effectively turned from their past and told the other people in the city, “Satan doesn’t live here anymore.”  I am so saddened that even in today’s church Christians play with the devil by playing Magic: The Gathering; Dungeons and Dragons; and, heaven forbid, an Ouija Board.  My brethren, these things ought not to be! We must kick the devil out of our lives and keep Him out.

Hymn (“I Have Decided to Follow Jesus”): I have decided to follow Jesus; I have decided to follow Jesus; I have decided to follow Jesus; No turning back, no turning back. Though I may wander, I still will follow; Though I may wander, I still will follow; Though I may wander, I still will follow; No turning back, no turning back. The world behind me, the cross before me; The world behind me, the cross before me; The world behind me, the cross before me; No turning back, no turning back.”


True Comfort
Text: I Thess. 4:16-18 (1599 Geneva Bible)

“For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, and with the voice of the Archangel, and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ shall rise first; Then shall we which live and remain, be caught up with them also in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air, and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore, comfort yourselves one another with these words.”

In today’s text, we see how Paul boldly gave the believers in the early church, and us as well, words of true comfort.  Are you feeling overwhelmed (I repent that I was yesterday and until now)? Are you feeling discouraged? Are you depressed because of a trial or temptation that you are going through?  Do you feel like no one cares?  Let me comfort all of us with the words above, and a loving reminder, Jesus is coming back for us to take us with Him for all eternity because we have put our faith and trust in Him. That’s the best news I’ve ever heard.

Hymn (“That Glorious Day is Coming”): “That glorious day is coming, The hour is hastening on; Its radiant light is nearing, Far brighter than the sun; In yonder clouds of heaven, The Savior will appear; And gather all His chosen, To meet Him in the air.
The saints, then all victorious, Will go to meet their Lord; An earth both bright and glorious, Will then be their reward;
And God Himself there reigning, Will wipe all tears away; Nor clouds nor night remaining, But one eternal day. O Christian, keep from sleeping, And let your love abound; Be watchful, prayerful, faithful, The trumpet soon will sound! O Sinner, hear the warning! To Jesus quickly fly! Then you, in that blest morning, May meet Him in the sky!”


A Present for Jesus
Text: Acts 17:28a (1599 Geneva Bible)

“For in Him we live, and move, and have our being.”

In today’s text, we see how Paul boldly proclaimed on Mar’s Hill, that when we put our faith and trust in Jesus, we really live, move, and have our being.  I want to challenge each of us to get rid of an old bad habit and replace it (it takes 21days to form a new habit, I was once told by a wise senior saint) with something that we can give to Jesus as a present, and then continue year-round and even for a lifetime gift to Him.  Here are some ideas for a new habit list:
1. Instead of shouting and getting angry with our spouse and children, let us forgive them and love on them with the love of Christ.
2. Instead of hitting the snooze alarm every morning, let us get up and say, “Lord I’m ready for a time of personal devotions and listening to your voice, and I desire your will for my life.”
3. Instead of getting more in debt, let us use the new version of KISS (Keep It Simple Saints) and not try and “keep up with the Joneses,” or feel like we need to buy someone’s affection.
4. Instead of overeating and not exercising, why not try walking and eating less for 21 days. See what happens!
5. Instead of sighing and getting lazy like the world does, keep our minds active by reading the Bible more, and our hearts and bodies active by helping others.
Let us remember to live for Jesus every day of the year.

Hymn (“Living For Jesus”): “Living for Jesus, a life that is true, Striving to please Him in all that I do; Yielding allegiance, glad hearted and free, This is the pathway of blessing for me.” Refrain: “O Jesus, Lord and Savior, I give myself to Thee, For Thou, in Thy atonement, didst give Thyself for me. I own no other Master; my heart shall be Thy throne. My life I give, henceforth to live, O Christ, for Thee alone.”


I’m A Child of the King
Text: Galatians 4:7 (1599 Geneva Bible)

“Wherefore, thou art no more a servant, but a son; now if thou be a son, thou art also the heir of God through Christ.”

Paul boldly proclaimed that when we put our faith and trust in Jesus and accept Him as our Savior and Lord, we are
adopted into God’s family and are children of the King.  So, today, if you and I face a trial or temptation, let us not faint and lose heart, let us not put our “heads in the sand like the ostriches do,” but let us hold our heads up high, smile, and call upon Jesus for help. Let us always say, “With Jesus, my Savior, I’m a Child of the King.”

Hymn (“I’m A Child of The King”) “My Father is rich in houses and lands, He holdeth the wealth of the world in His hands! Of rubies and diamonds, of silver and gold, His coffers are full, He has riches untold.” Refrain: “I’m a child of the King, A child of the King: With Jesus my Savior, I’m a child of the King.”


We Don’t Need Man’s Approval
Text: Galatians 1:1 (1599 Geneva Bible)

“Paul an Apostle (not of men, neither by man, but by Jesus Christ, and God the Father which hath raised him from the dead).”

Paul boldly proclaimed that he was an Apostle by Jesus Christ and God the Father.  He said he was not an Apostle of men.  I wonder today why we waste so much energy in the Church of God yearning for men’s approval.  You see, as long as we are living holy and pure lives dedicated to Jesus, other people will get their noses and dispositions out of whack.  They might say, “Why do you read such and such version of the Bible? Why do you watch such and such show, or listen to that type of music, etc.?”  We are not to argue on minor points. There are some absolutes: the Virgin Birth; Jesus was born of the Holy Spirit, fully man and fully God; He died for our sins on the cross, was resurrected on the third day, and now sits at the right hand of the Father; salvation is by grace through faith in Jesus Christ alone; the Trinity; the Bible is the inerrant Word of God and our source for faith; etc.  As I enter a new chapter in my life, I refuse to fall for people telling me, “You need my approval to do this or that.” I will submit to God’s leading and if I want more clarification I will consult my few close friends who I know are walking and talking with Jesus. I am about fed up with churches “shooting their wounded” soldiers of the Cross.  Brethren, personal opinions are not the norm in heaven; God’s Word and God’s Will is. I am going to, by God’s grace, live for Jesus only and his approval. Will you also, I plead?

Hymn (“Living for Jesus”): “Living for Jesus, a life that is true, Striving to please Him in all that I do; Yielding allegiance, glad hearted and free, This is the pathway of blessing for me.” Refrain: “O Jesus, Lord and Savior, I give myself to Thee, For Thou, in Thy atonement, didst give Thyself for me. I own no other Master, my heart shall be Thy throne. My life I give, henceforth to live, O Christ, for Thee alone. Living for Jesus Who died in my place, Bearing on Calvary my sin and disgrace; Such love constrains me to answer His call, Follow His leading and give Him my all.”


Encourage Others
Text: Acts 15:3 (1599 Geneva Bible)

“Thus being brought forth by the Church, they passed through Phenice and Samaria declaring the conversion of the Gentiles, and they brought great joy unto all the brethren.”

In today’s text, we see how Paul and Barnabas brought great joy unto all the brethren. God wants you and me to be encouragers to others and to comfort others with the comfort that we have been given by God. May we help bring peace and joy to others and good will toward all mankind.

Hymn (“Our Message”): “Joy is in our message! Peal the Christmas bells! Joy, great joy re-echoes From the glory in the story, Which our chimes are telling, As the music swells; Ringing, ringing, new joy bringing, Peal the Christmas bells.” Refrain: “To every land in anthem grand, From the northern icy tow’rs, To the sunset land of flow’rs; O’er every sea, to the bond and free,
We repeat the song of angel throng; The Savior now is ours!”


Never Give Up
Text: James 1:2-3 (1599 Geneva Bible)

“My brethren, count it exceeding joy when ye fall into divers temptations, knowing that the trying of your faith bringeth forth patience.”

In today’s text, the Apostle James tells us to not give up when we experience various temptations and trials because we need to know that the trying (testing) of our faith will bring forth patience. I am currently, as I write this, enroute to a new beginning or new chapter in my life.  In the past nine years, while living in another state, I almost, except for God’s grace, lost my joy completely and almost gave up forever.  I want to give thanks to the top ten special people in my life, who mentored, loved, encouraged, and prayed for me as I went through my various trials. They never gave up on this saint who occasionally sins (I was corrected this year that my tongue needs to stop saying, “I’m only a sinner who is saved by grace” and instead claim, “I am a saint who occasionally sins, but is seeking his Word and his will for my life.”). My most special person is my Savior and Lord Jesus Christ (Oh how I love and worship, Thee)! I close with this: with Jesus, and your friends and family counting on you and supporting you, never, I repeat, never give up!

Hymn (“Never Give Up”): “Never be sad or desponding; If thou hast faith to believe; Grace, for the duties before thee; Ask of thy God and receive.” Refrain: “Never give up, never give up, Never give up to thy sorrows, Jesus will bid them depart. Trust in the Lord, trust in the Lord, Sing when your trials are greatest, Trust in the Lord and take heart. What if thy burdens oppress thee; What though thy life may be drear; Look on the side that is brightest; Pray, and thy path will be clear. Never be sad or desponding; There is a morrow for thee; Soon thou shalt dwell in its brightness; There with the Lord thou shalt be. Never be sad or desponding; Lean on the arm of thy Lord; Dwell in the depths of His mercy; Thou shalt receive thy reward.”


Let Us Break Bread Together, or Where’s the “Holy” in “Holy Communion”?
Text: Acts 2:44-47 (1599 Geneva Bible)

“And all that believed were in one place, and had all things common. And they sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men as every one had need. And they continued daily with one accord in the Temple, and breaking bread at home did eat their meat together with gladness and singleness of heart, praising God, and had favor with all the people. And the Lord added to the Church from day to day, such as should be saved.”

In today’s text, we come to an important place where it states that the disciples had all things in common, met the needs of those in need, and broke bread and took the Lord’s Supper (Holy Communion) together. Recently, I was quite surprised (shocked actually) when I read that the three biggest times that Christians stay home from church are:
1. When their main pastor is away on a Sunday and–heaven forbid–that an associate pastor or guest speaker has to preach.
2. When it is a Sunday that is going to have a sermon on tithing.

  1. And now the biggest shock: some Christians stay home on Communion Sunday.
    Brethren, we need to repent in the house of God and fellowship with God and our brethren, but most of all we need to come to the Lord’s Table and celebrate all that Jesus has done for us (especially forgiven us of our many sins) with joyful hearts on Communion Sunday.Hymn (“Let Us Break Bread Together”): “Let us break bread together on our knees (on our knees); Let us break bread together on our knees (on our knees); When I fall on my knees with my face to the rising sun, O Lord, have mercy on me.
    Let us drink wine together on our knees (on our knees); Let us drink wine together on our knees (on our knees); When I fall on my knees with my face to the rising sun, O Lord, have mercy on me. Let us praise God together on our knees (on our knees); Let us praise God together on our knees (on our knees); When I fall on my knees with my face to the rising sun, O Lord, have mercy on me.”


Ministering to the Lord
Text: Acts 13:2a (1599 Geneva Bible)

“Now as they ministered to the Lord…”

In today’s text, we see how certain prophets and teachers ministered to the Lord. How can we as Christians minister (serve) to the Lord?
1.  We need to obey His commandment in the Bible.
2. We need to love the Lord our God with our whole heart, mind, soul and strength.
3. We need to love our neighbors more than ourselves and both pray for and help those in need.
Let us get back to basics and minister to the Lord.

Hymn (“Servant of God, Well Done”): “Servant of God, well done! Thy glorious warfare’s past; The battle’s fought, the race is won, And thou art crowned at last. Of all thy heart’s desire Triumphantly possessed; Lodged by the ministerial choir In thy Redeemer’s breast. In condescending love, Thy ceaseless prayer He heard; And bade thee suddenly remove To thy complete reward.”



Tell Me the Story of Jesus
Text: Acts 11:14 (KJV)

“Who shall tell words, whereby thou and all thy house shall be saved.”

In today’s text, we see how Peter told the people and other apostles that the angel spoke to Cornelius of how Peter was going to share the Gospel of Jesus with him and his family so that they would be saved.  We need to tell others the story of Jesus and also give our testimony of how Jesus forgave us of all our sins and how He changed our lives.  You don’t need an angel or anyone else to tell you that those of the world are lost and going to their spiritual deaths unless we lovingly yet boldly share the Gospel of our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ with them.

Hymn (“Tell Me the Story of Jesus”): “Tell me the story of Jesus, Write on my heart every word. Tell me the story most precious, Sweetest that ever was heard. Tell how the angels in chorus, Sang as they welcomed His birth, `Glory to God in the highest! Peace and good tidings to earth.’ ” Refrain: “Tell me the story of Jesus, Write on my heart every word. Tell me the story most precious, Sweetest that ever was heard. Fasting alone in the desert, Tell of the days that are past. How for our sins He was tempted, Yet was triumphant at last. Tell of the years of His labor, Tell of the sorrow He bore. He was despised and afflicted, Homeless, rejected and poor. Tell of the cross where they nailed Him, Writhing in anguish and pain. Tell of the grave where they laid Him, Tell how He liveth again. Love in that story so tender, Clearer than ever I see. Stay, let me weep while you whisper, Love paid the ransom for me.”



Here, I am Lord, What Would You Have Me to Do?
Text: Acts 9:10 (1599 Geneva Bible)

“And there was a certain disciple at Damascus named Ananias, and to him said the Lord in a vision, `Ananias.’ And
he said, `Behold, I am here, Lord.’ ”

In today’s text, we see how Ananias even though he was afraid of the report of what Saul had done in persecuting the church, said to the Lord, “Here I am, Lord.” He was willing to do what God wanted him to do. Because of Ananias’ obedience, Saul became the Apostle Paul and was given both his physical eyesight and spiritual eyesight and went on to faith in Christ and was baptized.  Today, the biggest challenge is for you and me to turn from fear, fear of rejection, fear of the unknown, fear of what a person may say or do to us, and just stop and say, “Lord Jesus, please take away my fear and here I am Lord, use me.”

Hymn (“What Wilt Thou Have Me To Do?”): “What wilt Thou have me to do, O Lord, What wilt Thou have me to do? Thou hast redeemed me, Thy right I own, Thine are my pow’rs, my Savior, alone; Thou hast for me such great things done.” Refrain: “What wilt Thou have me to do? What is the labor appointed me? Where shall I labor for Thee? What wilt Thou have me to do, O Lord, What wilt Thou have me to do? Is it to labor? I’ll gladly go; Is it to wait? Then let it be so; Only Thy will I ask to know.”


Forgive our Enemies
Text: Acts 7:59-60 (1599 Geneva Bible)

“And they stoned Stephen, who called on God, and said, `Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.’ And he kneeled down, and cried with a loud voice, `Lord, lay not this sin to their charge.’ And when he had thus spoken, he slept.”

In today’s text, we see how Stephen, who was the first Christian martyr, before he died a horrible death by stoning asked God to forgive his enemies, those who stoned him for his faith in Christ.  I was reminded as I close the chapter in my life here in Nebraska to stop and forgive all my enemies (people who hurt “my petty feelings”) and press on for the Kingdom
of God and do the work that Jesus wants for me.  Maybe today you have someone in your life, at work, at church, in your family, or in your neighborhood that has hurt you or slandered you. Go to God now and say, “God, by your grace and your help, I choose to forgive such and such for the offense against me.” We have been forgiven much so let us do the same.

Hymn (“Forgive Them, O My Father”): ” `Forgive them, O my Father, They know not what they do,’ The Savior spoke in anguish, As sharp iron nails went through. No word of anger spoke He To them that shed His blood, But prayer and tenderest pity Large as the love of God. For me was that compassion, For me that tender care; I need His wide forgiveness As much as any there. It was my pride and hardness That hung Him on the tree; Those cruel nails, O Savior, Were driven in by me. And often I have slighted Thy gentle voice that said: `Forgive me too, Lord Jesus, I knew not what I did.’ O depth of sweet compassion! O love divine and true! Save Thou the souls that slight Thee, And know not what they do.”


No Other Name Can Save Us
Text: Acts 4:10-12 (1599 Geneva Bible)

“Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye have crucified, whom God raised again from the dead, even by him doth this man stand here before you, whole. This is the stone cast aside of you builders which is become the head of the corner. Neither is there salvation in any other; for among men there is given none other Name under heaven, whereby we must be saved.”

In today’s text, we see how the Apostle Peter spoke the bold truth that salvation is found in no other Name and Person but in the Lord Jesus Christ. How sad and shameful that even churches and seminaries are spreading the lies that dead Mohammed, dead Buddha, dead Confucius, dead L. Ron Hubbard, or, heaven forbid, even atheism can save a person.  Wrong! Only Jesus died for our sins, was buried and rose from the dead, and guess what, He’s coming back for his true church! Be encouraged today that only the Name and Person of Jesus can save us!

Hymn (“Only One Name”): “There is only one Name that the saints adore—Jesus, our Elder Brother; They give Him all the praise, now and ever more; His Name is over every other.” Refrain: “Then lift the happy strain, And sing the glad refrain—The Name, the Name of Jesus; Then lift the happy strain, And sing the glad refrain—The Name, the Name of Jesus. There is only one Name that the soul need know—Jesus, the Lord’s Anointed; He suffered to redeem us from sin and woe, And bear us to the rest appointed. There is only one Name that the angels sing—Jesus, the Lord of Glory; They gather at His feet while they hail Him King, And listen to redemption’s story.”


Text: Luke 24:6-8 (1599 Geneva Bible)

“He is not here, but is risen; remember how he spake unto you, when he was yet in Galilee, Saying, that the Son of man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified, and the third day rise again. And they remembered his words.”

In today’s text, we come to an important place where the disciples came to the empty tomb where Jesus had risen from the dead. Two angels told them to remember how Jesus said that on the third day, “He would rise again.” I have to repent, and maybe you do also, of spiritual memory loss.  How often we forgot Jesus our first love and his comfort and words to us, and live like people without hope?  Just last night I was “stressing” about “my move,” “how am I going to learn my new job,” etc. and my beloved wife told me to remember the words of our Lord, “Cast all your care upon Him for He careth for You” (I Peter 5:7), and “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding, but in all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your path” (Proverbs 3:5-6).  Today, I challenge each of us to take a verse in the Bible that applies to whatever we are going through and need God’s help with and write it on a card or piece of paper, take it with us, and remember it throughout our day.  No more spiritual Alzheimer’s allowed!

Hymn (“Wonderful Words of Life”): “Sing them over again to me, wonderful words of life, Let me more of their beauty see, wonderful words of life; Words of life and beauty teach me faith and duty.” Refrain: “Beautiful words, wonderful words, wonderful words of life, Beautiful words, wonderful words, wonderful words of life. Christ, the blessed One, gives to all wonderful words of life; Sinner, list to the loving call, wonderful words of life; All so freely given, wooing us to heaven.
Sweetly echo the Gospel call, wonderful words of life; Offer pardon and peace to all, wonderful words of life; Jesus, only Savior, sanctify us forever.”


I Wanna be Ready, Jesus is Coming Soon!
Text: Matthew 24:30-31(1599 Geneva Bible)

“And, then, shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven; and then shall all the kindred’s of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man come in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And he shall send his Angels with a
great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect, from the four winds, and from the one end of the heavens unto the other. ”

Jesus told His disciples that one day He will return and He will take his own with Him.  Jesus is coming back and very soon, though no one but God the Father knows the day and hour of Jesus’ return.  This glorious event is called the Rapture of The Church.  I am amazed and ashamed by two things:
1. Why is it so many mainline denominations do not even preach and teach about Jesus’ return?
2. Why do we worry, stress, and fuss over movers coming, dinner guests coming, or our boss’ first day back on the job after his or her vacation, when we do not even prepare and get ourselves ready for our Master Jesus’ return?
I repent and promise that I wanna be ready for Jesus; let us get ready together.

Song (“I Wanna be Ready,” Sung By B.J. Thomas and one of my top ten favorite songs of all time!): “I wanna be ready, I don’t know, How long I’ll be here, ‘Cause Jesus Said He’d come again. And where He leads, I will go with Him, When I hear Him call my name. I wanna be ready, I wanna be ready, I wanna be ready, I wanna be ready. I cannot be sure of When it will take place, But it does not matter, If I’m walking in His grace. I feel it won’t be long now, Until He comes for me. He’s gonna take me with Him, And at His feet I’ll bow.”


Forgiveness, There is Nothing Like It
Text: Luke 23:34a (1599 Geneva Bible)

“Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”

In today’s text, we see one of the most powerful statements recorded by Jesus in the New Testament.  He forgave his enemies and He also forgives us of all our sins.  Do you not realize, as I soon forgot this year, that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and rulers of darkness?  You see, people who treat you unkindly or who rail false things
against you, can’t help themselves. They know not what they do because the god of the world (Satan) and his demons have blinded their eyes.  Instead of feeling like you and I have to “defend ourselves,” let us quietly and calmly continue to pray for those who mistreat us, and ask God to forgive them, and forgive them ourselves.

Hymn (“Forgive Them, O My Father”): ” `Forgive them, O my Father, They know not what they do.’ The Savior spoke in anguish, As sharp iron nails went through. No word of anger spoke Him To them that shed His blood, But prayer and tenderest pity Large as the love of God. For me was that compassion, For me that tender care; I need His wide forgiveness As much as any there. It was my pride and hardness That hung Him on the tree; Those cruel nails, O Savior, Were driven in by me. And often I have slighted Thy gentle voice that said: `Forgive me too, Lord Jesus, I knew not what I did.’ O depth of sweet compassion! O love divine and true! Save Thou the souls that slight Thee, And know not what they do.”


Silence is Sometimes Best
Text: Matthew 27:12 (1599 Geneva Bible)

“And when He was accused of the chief Priests, and Elders, He answered nothing.”

In today’s text, we see how when Jesus was falsely accused before his enemies, He answered nothing.  I myself have three women and one man at work who vehemently hate Jesus, His Word, the Bible, and his people.  I have had to just stop planting the seed of God’s Word and silently in my daily quiet time pray for their salvation.  Perhaps you too have a boss, a
co-worker, a neighbor, a family member, a spouse, or a friend who hates Jesus, God’s Word, and his people. I suggest you too be silent and pray in your quiet time that their spiritual blindness will be healed.

Hymn (“Tread Softly”): “Be silent, be silent, A whisper is heard, Be silent, and listen, O treasure each word!” Refrain: “Tread softly, tread softly, The Master is here, Tread softly, tread softly, He bids us draw near. Be silent, be silent, For holy this place, This altar that echoes The message of grace. Be silent, be silent, Breathe humbly our prayer, A foretaste of Eden This moment we share. Be silent, be silent, His mercy record, Be silent, be silent And wait on the Lord.”



True Love
Text: John 14:15 (1599 Geneva Bible)

“If ye love me, keep my commandments.”

Jesus tells His disciples, and us as believers, that if we love Him we will keep His commandments.  In the Bible, we are told to show love in at least four ways:
1.  We are to love God and obey His commandments.  Let us put off our selfish desires and obey Him.
2. We are to love our spouse as Christ loves the church.  If you are single, then reserve your body for your future spouse and for God alone. If you are married, please stop being angry, and forgive your  spouse of all such petty things. Especially, we as spouses must not look at others lustfully.
3. We are to love the brethren.  Please stop gossiping, backbiting, and slandering others in the church.
4.  We are to love the lost.  If you say or do something unkind in front of someone who has not yet trusted Jesus as their Savior and Lord, tell that person you were wrong and ask for their forgiveness.

Song (“You Gave Me Love,” as sung by B.J. Thomas–One of my top ten favorite songs of all time): “You gave me time, When no one gave me the time of day. You looked deep inside, While the rest of the world looked away. You smiled at me, When there were just frowns everywhere. You gave me love, When nobody gave me a prayer. That’s why I call you Saviour; That’s why I call you friend. You touched my heart, You touched my soul, And helped me start all over again. That’s why I love you Jesus; That’s why I’ll always care. You gave me love, When nobody gave me a prayer. You gave me laughter, After I cried all my tears. You heard my dreams, While the rest of the world closed it’s ears. I looked in your eyes, And I found the tenderness there. You gave me love, When nobody gave me a prayer.”


The Cure to a Troubled Heart–Keep Jesus on Your Mind
Text: John 14:1 (1599 Geneva Bible)

“Let not your heart be troubled; ye believe in God, believe also in Me.”

In today’s text, Jesus tells his disciples, and also us as believers, that the key to getting rid of a troubled heart and mind is to believe and trust in Him. Are you worrying today about how you will pay bills that seem to pile up?  Are you discouraged because of an illness?  Are you lonely?  Are you feeling like no one cares?  Do not give up and give in
to a troubled heart and mind.  Instead, go to God’s Word and spend some time listening to Him and sharing with Him in prayer.  Keeping Jesus on your mind is the key to healing your troubled heart and mind.

Song (“Jesus On My Mind,” as sung by B.J. Thomas–0ne of my top ten favorites): “I see dark clouds coming my way; I know they’re gonna try to rain on me; They’re almost here, but I must say I’m just as happy as can be. Ohhhh…Just because I’ve got Jesus on my mind, Just because I’ve got Jesus on my mind, The situation might look so awful grim, But that’s when I just stop and get my mind on Him. Before you know it, Everything’s just fine, Just because I’ve got Jesus on my mind. I see a giant right in my path; I know he’s gonna try to do me in; He’s mighty big, But I must say I’m not the least bit afraid of him.”


No More Denying Jesus
Text: Matthew 26:75 (1599 Geneva Bible)

“Then Peter remembered the words of Jesus, which had said unto him, `Before the cock crow thou shalt deny me thrice.’ So he went out, and wept bitterly.”

In today’s text, I, who have been a believer in Christ since January 1992, am so amazed at how other Christians so easily throw their noses in the air about Peter denying Christ three times. Do they so easily forget that He was forgiven by Jesus and died a martyr’s death for His faith?  Guess what, we deny Jesus also when we give in to temptation, go to bed angry with our spouse, or, here is a big one , when we say or do something unkind and someone who isn’t a Christian yet says, “I thought you were a Christian.” Ouch! Let us today take time to be holy and trust and obey God and once and for all stop denying Jesus!

Hymn (“When Peter Boasted, Soon He Fell): “When Peter boasted, soon he fell, Yet was by grace restored; His case should be regarded well By all who fear the Lord. A voice it has, and helping hand, Backsliders to recall; And cautions those who think they stand, Lest suddenly they fall. Lord Jesus, hear a sinner’s cry, My broken peace renew; And grant one pitying look, that I May weep with Peter too.”


Wait, Watch and Get Ready, Because Jesus is Coming
Text: Matthew 25:13 (1599 Geneva Bible)

“Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day, nor the hour, when the Son of man will come.”

In today’s text, Jesus says that we are to watch and be ready because He is coming again to take all who believe in Him away from this world before seven years of Great Tribulation happen.  This coming for us is called The Rapture.”  It is also called “The Blessed Hope and Glorious Appearing of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.”  Today, through the awesome power of His Holy Spirit, let us shake off the sins that so easily beset us, forgive our enemies, and tell others and ourselves, “get ready, Jesus is coming.”  Let us rejoice and say with the saints of old times, “O, Son of God, We Wait for Thee.”

Hymn (“O Son of God, We Wait For Thee”): “O Son of God, we wait for Thee, In love for Thine appearing; We know Thou sittest on the throne, And we Thy Name are bearing, Who trusts in Thee, may joyful be, And see Thee, Lord, descending, To bring us bliss unending. We wait for Thee ‘mid toil and pain, In weariness and sighing; But glad that Thou our guilt hast borne, And canceled it by dying; Hence cheerfully may we with Thee Take up our cross and bear it, Till we relief inherit. We wait for Thee; here Thou hast won Our hearts to hope and duty; But while our spirits feel Thee near, Our eyes would see Thy beauty; We fain would be at rest with Thee In peace and joy supernal, In glorious life eternal.”


God’s Word Endures (Lasts) Forever
Text: Matthew 24:35 (1599 Geneva Bible)

“Heaven and earth shall pass away, but My words shall not pass away.”

Jesus said that this earth and these heavens will be destroyed and then He will create a new heaven and new earth, but his Words (Holy Scripture) will not pass away. Do you need encouragement, salvation, healing, strength to deal with the wicked principalities and demons that are controlling the children of men and women, or peace in this troubled world?  If you need any of these, or need an answer, go right now to the Bible. God’s Words are true forever, and they are our true “Daily Bread.”

Hymn (“Lord, Thy Word Abideth”): “Lord, Thy Word abideth, And our footsteps guideth; Who its truth believeth Light and joy receiveth. When our foes are near us, Then Thy Word doth cheer us, Word of consolation, Message of salvation. When the storms are o’er us, And dark clouds before us, Then its light directeth, And our way protecteth.”


Endure to the End
Text: Mark 13:13 (1599 Geneva Bible)

“And ye shall be hated of all men for my Name’s sake, but whosoever shall endure unto the end, he shall be saved.”

Jesus told His disciples, and us as Christian today, that we will be hated of all men for His Name’s sake and that we are to endure unto the end because He is coming back.  Endure is the Greek word hupomeno, which means “to bear trials, fortitude, persevere, abide, suffer patiently.” Our endurance until the Lord’s return for us will show the world that we are genuinely saved by the grace of God.  No matter how much the world, our flesh, and the devil try and oppose and defeat us, let us endure to the end of our lives.

Hymn (“Falter Not”): “Falter not nor look behind thee, Cast thy every weight aside; Haste to win the prize before thee, Trusting Him, thy precious Guide.” Refrain: “Falter not, nor look behind thee, Still thy course with joy pursue; Persevere, for thou must conquer, With the cross of Christ in view. Falter not nor look behind thee, Firm and fearless take thy place; Robe and crown and palm are waiting For the victors in the race. Falter not nor look behind thee, Lest thy labor prove in vain; Run with patience, and remember Thou hast much to lose or gain.”


Pray For the Persecuted Church
Text: Luke 21:12-13 (1599 Geneva Bible)

“But before all these, they shall lay their hands on you, and persecute you, delivering you up to the Synagogues, and into prisons, and bring you before Kings and rulers for my Name’s sake. And this shall turn to you, for a testimonial.”

Jesus tell us that we may one day experience persecution like our brothers and sisters around the world who are being tortured and killed for their faith in Christ.  Jesus said it will be our chance to give our testimony. Today, stop what you are doing and pray three things for our persecuted brethren:
1. That they and their families’ faith would be strong, and for their release, if possible.
2. That their tormentors/persecutors would come to faith in Christ.
3. That if they die as martyrs, God would take care of their families and also encourage our faith should we ever have to face death as Christians here in America. Pray that we be not ashamed daily to “Tell the Blessed Story” of Jesus.

Hymn (“Tell The Blessed Story”): “Church of God, awaken; heed the Lord’s command, Tell the blessed story of the cross. Fields are white for harvesting on every hand, Tell the blessed story of the cross.” Refrain: “Tell the blessed story of the cross of Jesus, Tell the blessed story of the hallowed cross. Until every nation learns of full salvation, Tell the blessed story of the cross. Has not He commissioned you the news to bear? Tell the blessed story of the cross. `Go ye into all the world,’ and everywhere Tell the blessed story of the cross.”


The Blessings That Come From Giving the Full Tithe

Text: Matthew 22:19-21 (1599 Geneva Bible)

“ `Shew me the tribute money.’ And they brought him a penny. And He said unto them, `Whose is this image and superscription?’ They said unto him, `Caesar’s.’ Then said He unto them, `Give therefore to Caesar, the things which are Caesars, and give unto God, those things which are God’s.’ ”

Alas, many atheists, and even “well-meaning Christians,” use this passage as a basis for the so-called “Separation of Church and State” here in America. This scripture was used by the Lord to open my eyes to come back to giving Jesus the full tithe, namely tithing on gross income before taxes.

God has blessed my wife and me since we gave to Him “before Caesar” (i.e. before taxes, 401k’s, allowances, etc).  Some blessings that He has given us have been healings to our bodies, his car (Ms. Joy 2 still running well with a current mileage on her of over 83,000), food, clothing, shelter, and no bill collectors knocking down our door due to late or missed payments. Most
of all, He has blessed us in spiritual things such as joy, love, and peace. He has also kept us safe. Let us give to the government what they tell us in taxes, but let us first give God that first ten percent of our income in love and obedience.

Hymn (“Take My Life and Let It Be”): “Take my silver and my gold; not a mite would I withhold. Not a mite, would I withhold, not a mite would I withhold.”


Overcoming Opposition

Text: Mark 11:5-6 (1599 Geneva Bible)

“Then certain of them, that stood there, said unto them, `What do ye loosing the colt?’ 6 And they said unto them, as Jesus had commanded them, So they let them go.”

In today’s text, we read how two of Jesus’ disciples faced opposition from “some ruffians” because they were going to loose the colt (donkey) that Jesus told them to bring for his ride into Jerusalem, which we celebrate as Palm Sunday.

As soon as the disciples, said, “Jesus told us to say and do this,” the opposition ceased and the “ruffians” let the disciples go and take the donkey with them. I want to encourage those of us who are going through opposition in our jobs, neighborhoods, or even in the church, stop, smile, and say only what Jesus has told you to say, and in some cases (mine, this week), say nothing at all (as Jesus was silent before His persecutors). Remember that vengeance is God’s and He will fight your battles and win the war because “the battle belongs to the Lord.”

Hymn (“They That Overcome”): “Overcoming evil day by day, This our warfare on the Christian way; Yet unto those that faithful endure, God has declared that His promise is sure.” Refrain: “They that overcome, thus saith He, They that overcome, blessed shall be; They that overcome the world and sin, Life and a crown in His kingdom shall win. Tho’ we suffer tribulation here, Tho’ our crosses oft may seem severe, Think of the joy when trials are past, Strong in the Lord we shall conquer at last.
Overcoming, O my soul, arise, Overcoming, thou must reach the skies; Still journey on, and still overcome, Rest by and by with the Savior at home.”


Jesus Loves the Little Children, Do You?
Text:  Luke 18:15-16 (1599 Geneva Bible)

“They brought unto him also babes that he should touch them. And when his disciples saw it, they rebuked them. But Jesus called them unto him, and said, `Suffer the babes to come unto me, and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of God.’ ”

In today’s text, we see how Jesus loves everyone and wants them to be a part of his Kingdom, even little children.  We can show that we too love little children by doing three things:
1. Pray for abortion to cease here in America.  Pray for those women who had abortions and those men who assisted by either being the doctor or the father of the child. Pray that they would find the peace that is only found in a relationship with Jesus Christ.
2. Here is a big one, and let’s all listen up as I am tired of this happening in the “house of the Lord” (`cause it even happened to my wife and me). Stop condemning and slandering those who cannot have children, or in our case choose not to have them.  Why not make a positive move of “adopting” a childless couple as spiritual parents to your family and spiritual grandparents to your children?  Please, for the sake of unity stop all the slandering–it stinks to highest heaven!
3. Pray for all the daycare workers, children’s church and Sunday school workers, nursery workers, children’s pastors, and school teachers, but most of all for parents to be encouraged. Pray for the little children to come to know Jesus, and help any way you can. Even a smile to a “wee one” or to a saddened teenager helps.  Believe me; children get enough aggravation from others. Even at school they are bullied, so they don’t need another “so-called adult” giving them an ugly mug of a frown.
Jesus loves all the children of the world! Do you and I also? I hope so!

Hymn (“Jesus Loves The Little Children”): “Jesus loves the little children, All the children of the world. Red and yellow, black and white, All are precious in His sight; Jesus loves the little children of the world.”


Many are Called, Few are Chosen
Text: Matthew 20:16 (1599 Geneva Bible)

“So the last shall be first, and the first last; for many are called, but few chosen.”

In today’s text, Jesus wants us to know that many are called, but few are chosen.  Let us ask ourselves today before we go asking others, “Am I really a Christian?”  If you are resting on your salvation by God’s grace through faith (trust) in Jesus alone, and not on any good works that you did or are doing (good works come as a result of salvation), and if you have the holy Spirit living within, then you are saved.  When we know that we saved by God’s grace we can feel free to share the Gospel (good news about Jesus) to a lost and dying world, and we can praise God that He called us and we were chosen and adopted into His family.

Hymn (“Chosen Seed and Zion’s Children”): “Chosen seed and Zion’s children, Ransomed from eternal wrath, Traveling to the heav’nly Canaan On a rough and thorny path; Church of God, in Christ elected, Thou to God art reconciled, But on earth thou art a stranger, Persecuted and reviled. Still rejoice amid thy trials, Nor regard thy lot amiss; For the kind and loving Savior Is the source of all thy bliss; May He ever be thy portion, He Who gave thee life and breath: In His keeping fear no evil Now or in the hour of death.”


Lord, I Believe
Text:  Mark 9:23-24 (1599 Geneva Bible)

“And Jesus said unto him, `If thou canst believe it, all things are possible to him that believeth.’ And straightway the father of the child crying with tears, said, `Lord, I believe; help my unbelief.’ ”

In today’s text, Jesus told the father of the mute boy that all things are possible to him that believeth. The Father responded much like we do today. Isn’t it amazing that even the faith to believe in Jesus and accept Him as our Savior and Lord comes not from within our natural man, but is a free gift from God.  Today, whatever your need may be, healing, salvation for
yourself or a loved one, finances, freedom from lust, worry, depression, anger, whatever you need, go to Jesus and say, “Lord, I believe; help get rid of my unbelief.” Trust Him to provide your answers; He will you know!

Hymn (“Lord, I Believe”): “Lord, I believe: help Thou mine unbelief; Let me no other master know but Thee. Thou art the Christian’s God, the only King and Chief, Of all who soldiers of the cross would be. Lord, I believe, in mercy grant me grace, To know Thee, blessed Savior, more and more; I can do naught without Thee; Jesus, show Thy face Unto Thy servant who would Thee adore. Lord, I believe; the hold of sin is strong, And stout its heart to pluck me from Thy love; But stronger is Thy grace; oh, strengthen and prolong, The work of faith in me, my doubts remove. Lord, I believe; help Thou mine unbelief; Be this my prayer through good report and ill; Only to Thee I cling; if long my day or brief, Master and Savior, I will trust Thee still!”


No Fear Need Apply Here

Text: Jeremiah 46:27 (The 1599 Geneva Bible)

“But fear not thou, O my servant Jacob, and be not thou afraid, O Israel: for behold, I will deliver thee from a far country, and thy seed from the land of their captivity, and Jacob shall return and be in rest, and prosperity, and none shall make him afraid.”

GOD told the Prophet Jeremiah to tell the captives that they need not fear because God would ensure that they return to the land and be in rest and prosperity. And, none could make them afraid.  Today as Christians, we are to not fear anyone or anything but God, and to reverence Him.  I encourage each of us to tell fear of man, fear of the future, fear of the unknown, fear when dealing with an illness, fear when dealing with bills that keep piling up, even (God, I repent and encourage others struggling with this) fear of death and dying.  Why? Because we serve a risen Savior, He lives, He lives, and death is swallowed up in victory because Christ has risen from the grave and He tell us lovingly, “fear not!”  Rejoice!

Hymn (“He Lives”): “In all the world around me I see His loving care, And tho my heart grows weary, I never will despair; I know that He is leading thro all the stormy blast, The day of His appearing will come at last. He lives, He lives, Christ Jesus lives today! He walks with me and talks with me along life’s narrow way. He lives, He lives, salvation to impart! You ask me how I know He lives, He lives within my heart.”


Give Thanks with a Grateful Heart
Text: Luke 17:17-18 (1599 Geneva Bible)

“And Jesus answered, and said, `Are there not ten cleansed? But where are the nine? There is none found that
returned to give God praise, save this stranger.’ ”

In today’s text, we see how ten lepers were healed of their deadly disease and yet only one, who was a Samaritan (a race hated by the Jews), came back and thanked Jesus and glorified God.  Today, we should not just set aside in America one day called “Thanksgiving Day,” but every day we should give thanks to Jesus for our many blessings, namely our salvation, our healing/health, our blessings of having a spouse, children, friends, family and pets, our daily bread, our freedom of worship etc.  Give thanks and praise to Jesus right now out of a grateful heart!

Hymn (“Give Thanks”): “Give thanks with a grateful heart, Give thanks unto the Holy One; Give thanks because He’s given Jesus Christ, His Son. And now let the weak say, `I am strong’; Let the poor say, `I am rich, Because of what the Lord has done for us’; Give thanks.”


Show Compassion
Text:  John 11:35 (1599 Geneva Bible)

“And Jesus wept.”

In today’s text, which is the shortest, but among the most powerful verses in the Bible, we see how Jesus wept and had compassion about the reaction to the passing away of his friend Lazarus. Among many things, He wept about the unbelief the people had because they would not turn from their sins and did not recognize Him as “The Resurrection and the Life.” Today, Jesus wants both men and women to weep and have compassion to share the Gospel with their unsaved bosses, co-workers, neighbors, and friends. I personally have been convicted today to have compassion on a very bitter and rude co-worker at my job who hates God and all things spiritual. God told me, “Joseph, weep and intercede for her and her domestic partner to come to faith in Christ.”  I said in response, “Yes Lord, I will obey.”

Hymn (“Jesus Wept! Those Tears are Over,” by John Ross MacDuff — one of My Scottish Clansman): “Jesus wept! Those tears are over, But His heart is still the same; Kinsman, Friend, and elder Brother, Is His everlasting Name. Savior, who can love like Thee, Gracious One of Bethany? When the pangs of trial seize us, When the waves of sorrow roll, I will lay my head on Jesus, Refuge of the troubled soul. Surely, none can feel like Thee, Weeping One of Bethany! Jesus wept! And still in glory, He can mark each mourner’s tear; Loving to retrace the story, Of the hearts He solaced here. Lord, when I am called to die, Let me think of Bethany. Jesus wept! That tear of sorrow Is a legacy of love; Yesterday, today, tomorrow, He the same doth ever prove, Thou art all in all to me, Loving One of Bethany!”


Unprofitable Servants
Text: Luke 17:10 (1599 Geneva Bible)

“So likewise ye, when ye have done all those things, which are commanded you, say, `We are unprofitable servants; we have done that which was our duty to do.’ ”

In today’s text, Jesus told his disciples and us today, in a loving rebuke, that we are to serve Him and others as our Christian duty out of love, and not in order to receive rewards both here and in heaven.  I am shocked by so many Christians who think that they should get a “personal thank you” from their church leadership or their congregation, a special award, or even a
Lexus (name the car of your choice) from God because they serve in “such and such ministry.”  My brethren, these things ought not to be! Let us serve Jesus and serve those in need because we love Jesus and not to be rewarded or thanked.

Hymn (“The Service of The King”): “I pledge my spirit loyal, To the service of the King; The privilege is royal, In the service of the King; I pledge to Him forever, My loftiest endeavor, And naught my soul shall sever, From the service of the King.” Refrain:
”In the service of the King, My sweetest songs I’ll sing, While I with joy my pow’rs employ, In the service of the King. There is no joy so holy, As the service of the King; There’s room for e’en the lowly, In the service of the King; If all the world but knew Him, How all would hasten to Him, And highest honor do Him, In the service of the King. In yonder realms immortal, There is service for the King; We pass the shining portal, To the service of the King; Amid the glories o’er Him, Where angel hosts adore Him, I, too, shall stand before him, In the service of the King.”


Come Home

Text: Luke 15:18-20 (1599 Geneva Bible)

“I will rise and go to my father, and say unto him, `Father, I have sinned against heaven, and before thee. And am no more worthy to be called thy son; make me as one of thy hired servants.’ So he arose and came to his father, and when he was yet a great way off, his father saw him, and had compassion, and ran and fell on his neck, and kissed him.”

In today’s text, Jesus told the parable of the Prodigal (lost) Son. Today, I want to encourage those of you who never have had a relationship with Jesus, those of you who feel like God has not answered your prayers, and those who may be suffering with depression, an illness, discouragement, temptation or addictions to please do three things. First, pause and stop what you are doing; second, come to your senses and finally come home to your Heavenly Father; third, accept His free gift of salvation through His Son Jesus. Today can be a fresh start for you.

Hymn (“Softly and Tenderly, Jesus Is Calling”): “Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling, Calling for you and for me; See, on the portals He’s waiting and watching, Watching for you and for me.” Refrain: “Come home, come home, You who are weary, come home; Earnestly, tenderly, Jesus is calling, Calling, O sinner, come home! Why should we tarry when Jesus is pleading, Pleading for you and for me? Why should we linger and heed not His mercies, Mercies for you and for me? Time is now fleeting, the moments are passing, Passing from you and from me; Shadows are gathering, deathbeds are coming, Coming for you and for me. O for the wonderful love He has promised, Promised for you and for me! Though we have sinned, He has mercy and pardon, Pardon for you and for me.”


I’m Not Ashamed to let You Know I’m a Christian
Text:  Luke 12:8-9 (1599 Geneva Bible)

“Also I say unto you, Whosoever shall confess Me before men, him shall the Son of man confess also before the Angels of God. But he that shall deny Me before men, shall be denied before the Angels of God.”

In today’s text, Jesus told his disciples and us today that we are not to be ashamed to confess before men that He is our Savior and Lord. I love what the 1599 Geneva Bible note says: “Great is the reward of a constant confession and horrible is the punishment of denying Christ.” Today, do not be ashamed to admit you are a Christian and show God’s love by doing acts of love, grace and mercy so that all men, women, and children may know Him also as their Savior and Lord.

Song (“I’m Not Ashamed,” by The Newsboys): “I’m not ashamed to let you know I want this light in me to show I’m not ashamed to speak the name of Jesus Christ. What are we sneaking around for? Who are we trying to please? Shrugging off sin, apologizing, Like we’re spreading some kind of disease. I’m saying `No way. No Way.’ I’m not ashamed to let you know I want this light in me to show; I’m not ashamed to speak the name of Jesus Christ. This one (says) it’s a lost cause, Save your testimonies for church time. Other ones state you’d better wait, Until you do a little market research. I’m saying `No way. No way.’ I’m not ashamed to let you know I want this light in me to show; I’m not ashamed to speak the name of Jesus Christ.


Devotion to Jesus
Text:  Luke 10:40-42 (1599 Geneva Bible)

“But Martha was cumbered about much serving, and came to him, and said, `Master, doest thou not care that my sister hath left me to serve alone? Bid her therefore, that she help me.’ And Jesus answered, and said unto her, `Martha, Martha, thou carest, and art troubled about many things; But one thing is needful, Mary hath chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from her.’ “

In today’s text, Jesus lovingly rebuked Martha; as Spurgeon wrote,”was distracted with care, when she should have been listening to her Lord.”  Let us set time aside daily (the morning works the best) from cleaning our houses, working our daily jobs, and even serving at the church, and be still before the Lord in prayer, meditation, listening to Jesus, and spending time
also in reading, heeding, and applying His Holy Word, The Bible.

Hymn (“One Thing’s Needful”): “One thing’s needful; Lord this treasure, Teach me highly to regard; All else, though it first give pleasure, Is a yoke that presses hard. Beneath it the heart is still fretting and striving, No true, lasting happiness ever deriving. The gain of this one thing all loss can requite, And teach me in all things to find true delight. Wilt thou find this one thing needful, Turn from all created things, Unto Jesus and be heedful,l Of the blessed joy He brings. For where God and Man both in one are united, With God’s perfect fullness the heart is delighted; There, there is the worthiest lot and the best, My One and my All and my Joy and my Rest. How were Mary’s thoughts devoted, Her eternal joy to find, As intent each word she noted, At her Savior’s feet reclined! How kindled her heart, how devout was its feeling, While hearing the lessons that Christ was revealing! For Jesus all earthly concerns she forgot, And all was repaid in that one happy lot.”


Shine Jesus Shine
Text:  John 9:5 (1599 Geneva Bible)

“As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.”

In today’s text, Jesus told his followers that He is the “Light of The World.”  He told his disciples, and us also as believers in Christ today, in the Sermon on the Mount, that we are to let our lights (our lives lived through the power of His indwelling Holy Spirit) shine before men because they are in spiritual darkness. One way we can shine for Jesus is to have alternative things to do on October 31st.  I commend churches and Christians for putting on “harvest parties” without all the wicked, satanic, and gruesome costumes, or answering their doors by giving candy and gospel tracts to whoever comes. My bolder friends even answer the door and say after giving candy and a tract, “Hello, I’m (whatever their name is), is there something that I can pray for you about?” Let us shine for Jesus on the holidays and every day!

Hymn (“Shine Jesus Shine,” by Graham Kendrick, copyright 1987 by Make Way Music Admin. in N, S & C America by Integrity Music, Inc. All rights reserved. International copyright secured. Used by permission CCLI #30426.): “Lord the light of Your love is shining In the midst of the darkness; shining Jesus, Light of the World shine upon us. Set us free by the truth you now bring us; Shine on me Shine on me.” Chorus: “Shine Jesus shine, Fill this land with the Father’s glory; Blaze Spirit blaze, Set our hearts on fire; Flow river flow, Flood the nations with grace and mercy; Send forth Your word Lord, And let there be light. Lord, I come to Your awesome presence, From the shadows into your radiance, By the blood I may enter Your brightness, Search me, try me, consume all my darkness; Shine on me shine on me. As we gaze on your kingly brightness, So our faces display your likeness; Ever changing from glory to glory, Mirrored here may our lives tell your story; Shine on me shine on me.


The World, Its Works are Evil
Text:  John 7:7 (1599 Geneva Bible)

“The world cannot hate you, but me it hateth, because I testify of it, that the works thereof are evil.”In today’s text, Jesus told His disciples, and He tells us today also as His followers, that the world which is blinded by Satan hates Jesus.  One of the ways that the world hates Jesus is how it celebrates certain days and holidays and causes them to be “unholy” days. Let us examine three days that the world has darkened to hate Jesus.
1. October 31st, called Halloween here in America. Alas, I agree with some folks that the name (in recognizing how some folks celebrate it) might be called Hell-o-ween.  Why do some people, even well-meaning Christians, make this day a birthday party for the devil by dressing up as the undead, vampires, witches, ghosts, devils, etc.?  My brethren, these
things ought not to be?
2. Thanksgiving Day. Why in America do we only want to give thanks to God for all the blessings that He has given us just one day a year?  Also, why do we just focus in our land on the turkey dinner, the football game, and the Macy’s Day parade?
3. Christmas Day. Why do we focus on giving presents (thus becoming more in debt); Santa; the tree; and decorations? Why do we only have “peace on earth and good will toward all men” just one day a year?  We should love others each day of the year and celebrate Jesus’ birthday and his coming to bring us salvation, not Santa.
So today let us pray to Jesus to “lighten the darkness” in our world and be used of God to help others come to Him and be “examples of believers in Christ.”

Hymn (“Lighten The Darkness”): “Lighten the darkness of our life’s long night, Through which we blindly stumble to the day, Shadows mislead us; Father, send Thy light, To set our footsteps in the homeward way. Lighten the darkness of our self conceit, The subtle darkness that we love so well, Which shrouds the path of wisdom from our feet, And lulls our spirits with its baneful spell. Lighten our darkness when we bow the knee, To all the gods we ignorantly make, And worship, dreaming that we worship Thee, Till clearer light our slumbering souls awake. Lighten our darkness when we fail at last, And in the midnight lay us down to die; We trust to find Thee when the night is past, And daylight breaks across the morning sky.”


What a Difference Jesus Has Made in My Life
Text:  Matthew 18:11 (1599 Geneva Bible)

“For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost.”

In today’s text, Jesus told His disciples and us today that He came to save that which was lost, namely us.  What a difference He has made in our lives since we have come to faith in Christ.  Let us take some time today and praise Jesus for saving us from our lost condition, saving us from an eternity in the lake of fire, healing our bodies, providing our daily bread, providing companionship via a spouse, children, friends and family, and giving us His joy, etc.

Song (“What a Difference You’ve Made In My Life,” sung By B.J. Thomas, written by Archie P. Jordan — One of My Top five favorite songs): “What a difference you’ve made in my life, What a difference you’ve made in my life; You’re my sunshine day and night, Oh what a difference you’ve made in my life. What a change you have made in my heart, What a change you have made in my heart; You’ve replaced all the broken parts, Oh what a change you have made in my heart.”


Reaching Forth and Finishing Well

Text: Philippians 3:13-14 (The 1599 Geneva Bible)

“Brethren, I count not myself that I have attained to it, but one thing I do: I forget that which is behind, and endeavor myself unto that which is before, and follow hard toward the mark, for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.”

Dear Friends, Today, as we start a new year, let us not make any New Year’s resolutions. What did you just say, you ask? Yes, you read right! Instead of making New Year’s resolutions, let us spend time before God and ask Him eight things and then listen for his answers.

  1. How can I love You more this year?
  2. How can I love my neighbors, bosses, co-workers, relatives, spouse, children, pets, and friends more this year?
  3. What type of Bible plan and Bible reading can I start?
  4. Who and what do You want me to pray for?
  5. Who can I serve and minister to this year?
  6. How can I get out of debt (if applicable), spend less, and give more to Your purposes this year?
  7. Who can I share the Gospel with this year? If you do not know Jesus yet, why not start the year by asking Him into your heart and life right now?
  8. What bad habit(s) can I ask You, God, and others for help with? Lose weight, spend less, get less angry, procrastinate less, gossip less, etc.

Today is a new day in a new year with a fresh start. Start small, even with baby steps, but finish well. The best words you can ever hear will be spoken to you by Jesus Himself if you are faithful: “Well done thou good and faithful servant, enter now into the joy of the Lord.”

Hymn (“With Gladsome Feet We Press”): “With gladsome feet we press to Zion’s holy mount, Where gushes from its deep recess the cooling fount; Oh, happy, happy hill, the joy of every saint! With sweet Siloam’s crystal rill, that cheers the faint. Great city, blest of God! Jerusalem the free! With ceaseless step the path be trod that leads to thee! The martyrs’ bleeding feet, the saints with woundless breast, Alike have sought thy golden seat to win their rest. There, calming all alarms, thy cross of love is traced, Outstretching salutary arms, to bless the waste; The sinner there can plead in ever listening ears; On hope and Thee, can sweetly feed, and dry his tears. So this our festal day celestial joy shall raise, While lips and hearts, conjoined, essay to hymn thy praise! The very stones shall ring, resound each holy wall, With Thee, Thyself the Rock, our Heaven, our All!”